The Mystery Creature from Panama

Friday, May 14, 2010

If you are not one of them who believes in the existence of aliens, read this story and watch these pictures. A mysterious creature was found dead in Panama. It was just like the alien you may have seen in the movies, free of hairs, and d shaped creature.

Well, it may not be an alien in the sense it is new to planet but it is an alien in the sense that it is new to humans. It is a creature never seen before other then science fiction movies.

The story of these pictures of alien was told by a group of teenagers as they claimed that they killed him. They discovered the alien coming out towards them when they were playing near.

They were scared and frightened by the unknown creature and start throwing the stones at him until he stopped and then dead by the stones. Then they eventually threw the alien into the lack and left away. They then came back and got photo shoot of the alien to show others to believe them. They showed the pictures to concerned authorities to take necessary actions.

The zoologist have a different conclusions after first examining of the alien kind of thing. The alien is still under examination.

How much that alien kind of thing can be alien? To get the answer, the scientists are going for some DNA test and others. That can reveal the truth about the creature of being an alien or an animal with fur

In 2008, New York Montauk was the place where unidentified creature was found, which was somehow identical to this one. [source:]


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